What would you do this Mother’s Day ?

How to make your Mother’s Day special?

Yet another year of big celebration is around the corner when Mothers around the world will be honoured and celebrated on this Mother’s Day. We celebrate Mother’s Day every year to remind ourselves the importance of our Mothers in our lives that sometimes we tend to overlook due to our hustling and bustling lifestyle these days. However, sometimes we have to stop and make a time for our mothers to thank them for giving us this beautiful life.

I am also a mother now and I value this day a lot lately because now I have understood the immense invisible sacrifices of all the mothers behind bringing up a child. My days and nights, my thoughts, my dreams, my ‘me’ time, everything I could think of has been shifted to my daughter’s in such a short period of time. There is a very strong tangible as well as the intangible bond between us which is difficult to express in words. Only a mother has an instinct of recognising the fact that their child is in distress and the sense of responsibility to intervene in such situations comes naturally to her. However, it’s unfortunate that these feeling are taken lightly and marked as being an overprotective mother.  

If that’s what it is then I am also an overprotective mother and that’s ok because being overprotective to her child is a mother’s nature.There will be always someone who thinks everything you are doing is wrong, after all, we all live in a society where all people have their own opinion. Likewise, every mother has different ways of raising their children depending on their own upbringing, culture, society they live in and some beliefs they have within but in the end if you learn to value, respect and love her and become a good son and daughter  then that’s what it all matters the most, but not where you’ve come from.  

I lived with my mother for almost half of my life without knowing how much she means to me and now when I knew it, I am far away from her. When I gave birth to my daughter away from her, I was scared, lonely and clueless about all the things that were happening. But she used to call me every day to check if everything was alright with me and the baby, after all, it is your mother who knows what is best for you. 

Therefore, on this Mother’s Day I will thank my mother for influencing me with the right values and beliefs to survive the worst pain, to be humble and loyal, to let go things for better, to sacrifice for the loved ones, to stand still and never lose hope, to respect and care for the elders, to stand on your own feet, and many more principles and values that I will always preserve and withhold in my heart and carry it forward to my child and hopefully to the next generations to come. So this Mother’s Day we all should value and celebrate her not only because she is our mother but also for teaching and showing us how to live a life to the fullest and influencing us to pass on the right values to our children.

So, there you go, Motherhood to me is…EVERYTHING to really sum up in one word. I exist on this planet because of her. If she wouldn’t have brought me in this beautiful world, I wouldn’t have to know the true meaning of the relationship between Mother and a child and I wouldn’t have been here writing this post about Motherhood. So, once again thank you, Mother, from the deepest core of my heart and I love you very very much.

Please do thank your Mothers on this upcoming Mother’s Day and do something special for her. Have a Happy and prosperous Mother’s Day everyone. Celebrate it every day!



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