Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

It is a well-known fact that Mother’s body itself produces breast milk when she is merely pregnant with her baby. The body of the mother itself adapts and prepares before the delivery to protect the baby in the outer world. The first milk called “colostrum” is one of them that protects the baby from any infection that might be caught from the outside world. Similarly, breast milk contains vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and everything that the baby requires until she is 6 months old. Even the doctors would recommend to exclusively breastfeed the baby until 6 months as their main food. So, anyone can presume the significance of the Mother’s milk to her babies.

On the other hand, not only babies benefits from breastfeeding but Mothers does as well. Here are few benefits that I’ve listed below:

  • Builds strong bond: When you breastfeed your baby for an extended period of time, you develop a very strong bond with your baby. It helps to comfort her when she is upset and when she’s ill at times. It’s then the bond gets stronger.
  • Illness at bay: It means, breast milk is a powerhouse to fight any infection, irritability, upset tummy and many more illness, protecting your baby from viral diseases. And for mothers, continuous breastfeeding would not only help to lower the risk of ovarian cancer, breast cancer but also helps to shed extra pounds of weight.
  • No more Weight issues: Breastfeeding your baby would burn extra 500 calories so if you could maintain your weight through healthy eating and exercise then you tend to shed extra weight sooner. Whereas, it is estimated that breastfeeding babies normally wouldn’t grow obese in their adulthood.
  • Fewer Expenses: No need to buy formula milk, bottles, the sterilising kit which are quite expensive in general. With breastfeeding, you don’t have to bear any other extra expenses on those kits which saves you both time and money.

These are only a few important health benefits that I’ve pointed out. There are innumerable health benefits to both of you if you’re persistent with the breastfeeding. However,  there are times in your life when you might want to quit prolonged breastfeeding due to various difficulties, challenges, lifestyle, work, it can be anything, but if you could barely breastfeed your little one till 6 months then it would contribute not only your little one but yourself too.

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