Post-Pregnancy weight gain

The only setback after having a baby is the post-pregnancy weight gain. Unless you are fit who hits the gym few weeks after having your child, you tend to gain weight.

Applause to those women who are able to balance things between their newborn and work. Even the study has shown that mothers who start to work few weeks after having a baby lose weight faster than stay at home mothers.

Post-pregnancy weight gain also indicates serious health issues such as thyroid abnormalities, sleep deprivation, stress, etc. So, it’s better to consult with the doctor if you are not losing weight even when you are eating healthy and exercising on the regular basis.

Although it’s said that breastfeeding can help to shed the extra weight, healthy eating and exercise also go side by side. It’s because a number of calories lost from breastfeeding will eventually be added to the intake of food.

So, only relying on breastfeeding for weight loss doesn’t seem to work on its own. Likewise, the consequences of sleep deprivation can also trigger weight gain as it upsets the metabolism that causes craving of high calorie, high sugary foods.

Likewise, the consequences of sleep deprivation can also trigger weight gain as it upsets the metabolism that causes craving of high calorie, high sugary foods.

It’s easier said than done when it comes to losing weight. Even I was healthier before conceiving. I was eating right, doing exercises 3-4 times a week which helped me to conceive sooner.

When I was 36 weeks pregnant, I was attending college, travelling by train 4 times a week and also doing pelvic floor exercises, and walking every day at the park. That of course, helped me a lot during the time of delivery.

However, my diet during pregnancy was at par. It means at the first trimester, I was eating healthy and pretty much normal.

My second trimester was a disaster because I felt sick. I hated cooked meals and even the smell of it made me sick.

Whereas, I loved food during my third trimester. I almost ate everything except the ones that you cannot eat during pregnancy. It included pretty much of combination of both healthy and junk foods.

At this stage, my weight started to pile up and also got stretch marks.

The real weight gain actually began few weeks after the delivery. Due to the stitches and heavy bleeding during delivery, I was resting a lot and moving less.

On top of that, I was also breastfeeding. So, I was eating a large portion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to increase the milk supply.

The long sleepless nights, cluster breastfeeding for hours, craving high sugary foods for the quick boost of energy and minimal movements contributed to my overall post-pregnancy weight gain.

Only after a month, I was at my biggest. From then, losing the weight has been a never-ending roller coaster ride.

It’s obvious that your little one becomes your first priority once you become a mother. And to adjust even 10 minutes for yourself becomes impossible.

However, don’t lose hope soon. Even running after your toddler and doing household chores can help you to shed extra baby weight without hitting the expensive gym.

You just have to pay extra attention to what you are putting into your mouth. Eating healthy will not only benefit you to lose weight, it can help your child to eat healthily and make healthier choices later.

Therefore, gaining weight after giving birth is a natural process of women’s body. It’s just like having a period, getting pregnant and giving a birth.

It’s all about learning to accept the change. Changes are difficult and scary but it gives you a new dimension in life and teaches you to become mature and strong.

So, accept the new change with open arms but again it’s important to not to lose yourself in the process. Take care of yourself and your body because it’s capable of creating a magic.

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