Toddler recipes from Breakfast to Dinner

Every family and household have different ways of feeding their babies and toddlers. My toddler usually eats what my family used to feed me when I used to be small. However, I attempt to put together some of the things that were not available then and play with it a bit to make a complete nutritious meal. So, here you go completely healthy and nutritious toddler recipes from Breakfast to Dinner.


Breakfast is certainly an important meal of the day which keeps your baby active throughout the day so I make an effort to feed her healthy meal of the day starting with breakfast. These days, her favourite thing to have in the morning is boiled egg so first thing when she gets up, she gets her perfectly boiled egg which she devours a lot. She would normally eat half of it but when she’s very hungry she eats the whole of it.

Then she’d have a porridge with fruits like apple, pear, peaches, blueberry mixed with seed mix, nuts and cinnamon. And sometimes she’ll have Weetabix with fruits and nuts.

For the complete toddler recipes of the hearty breakfast that I’d prepare her every day, you can click here.


After she wakes up from her morning nap at around 1 p.m, I’d cook her Rice with vegetables and lentils (Jaulo), which is a complete nutritious meal where she gets all the required protein, vitamins, minerals from one single meal. And this is what I used to have when I was small, which I don’t remember eating it. But when anybody is not well in the house, I’ll always make this which is easy to digest and nutritious at the same time.

Jaulo Recipe (Rice & vegetable toddler recipes)


  • clarified butter – 1Tbsp
  • carom seeds – 1 pinch
  • cumin seeds – 1 pinch
  • Fenugreek seeds – 1 pinch
  • Garlic & Ginger – 1 Tsp
  • Turmeric – 1/2 Tsp
  • Vegetables of your choice: carrot, potato, butternut squash, sweet potato, peas, spinach, parsnip, courgette, turnip – 1 cup
  • Rice – 4 Tbsp
  • Lentils – 4 Tbsp
  • water – 2 cups


In a pressure cooker or a saucepan, heat clarified butter and add all the seeds in it for a minute until it gets dark brown. Once it’s done, add finely cut garlic and ginger in it then add turmeric powder along with the vegetables. Stir them together for few minutes, then add rice with lentils of your choice. For the flavour, you can even add some parsley or coriander in it. Then add 2 cups of water and cook it for 5-10 minutes in a medium heat until it becomes tender and soupy. When it’s done leave it to cool down for some time and serve warm.

For a change, you can even add chicken or fish in it to make it extra nutritious. For the vegetables, anything that’s available in your kitchen would do. So, this meal is very easy, you just have to combine everything together from the scratch and you are done, even your little one will love it.

If you’d like to watch how to make this recipe then CLICK HERE.



She doesn’t snack a lot but I try to include more fruits and vegetables in her daily intake and I do it by giving her snacks. Some of them are listed below:

  • smoothies with fruits and vegetables
  • yoghurt with fruits
  • bread with butter
  • banana, oranges, pear cut up into bite size pieces
  • Banana oat pancakes
  • sweet potato (steamed/boiled)
  • cheese strings
  • Fruit lollies
  • Kiddylicious veggie straws, her latest favourite thing to snack on


For dinner, she would normally have (Jaulo) rice but with some other veggies for the change. This way I can include varieties of vegetables in her diet.

I also try to include pearl barley, quinoa, bean mix, soup mix, risotto rice, raw rice instead of only adding white rice with the veggies and prepare it in a soup consistency which is quite filling as well as a nutritious meal indeed.

Sometimes, she’ll have a pasta with us, excluding spices and salt in it and sometimes fish chowder. I also do include leftovers of last meal for the next day lunch or dinner by making it in advance.

So, this is just an outline of how my toddler eats normally in a day. If you have any suggestions and toddler recipes that you’d like to share with me then please you can share it in the description box below. I’d love to prepare it and try it for her.

Thank you.


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