Life with Toddlers means WHAT?

Ever wonder that someday you’ll have someone who will never leave your site for once. They will be needing your attention all day every day? That day has finally arrived and you might be wondering how’s the life with toddlers like.

You guessed it right. Yes, I am talking about the one whose arrival has completed you in many ways. And you have learned the true meaning of love.

That’s right! It’s your baby. So, what’s life with toddlers really mean?

So, what’s life with toddlers really mean?

The happiness it brings to your life is infinite when your child takes her first step. They make you a proud and happy mother of the Universe.

They even make you cry and laugh at the same time. However, you’ll learn to be selfless and responsible of your action pretty soon.

Now let me tell you about the overwhelming love you’ll be showered with by your child in details. It’s not that simple to explain but I’ll try my best to give you a brief idea about it.

Have you ever wonder what happens if your shadow would never leave you even in the dark? It frightens you for sure!

But this shadow’s not gonna scare you but keep your company throughout the whole time whether you like it or not.

Let’s see how life is like with Toddlers.

  • They shower you with so much of love when you are about to leave their sight. 
  • They wake up when you are about to do something important.
  • Your sense of guilt is on level 9. Being a mother, you can’t leave them on their own even for few minutes.
  • They hate everything that’s on their plate and loves everything that’s on your plate.
  • They could come up with anything to stop you from doing your work.
  • Bathtime is only fun when you sing their favourite song for at least 10 times.
  • They are a good follower. They can follow you all day without any reason.
  • Tantrums are their tools to get you do what they want you to do.
  • You are not a punching bag and shouldn’t be. But if you have a toddler then you’ve to be sometimes.
  • Don’t think about disciplining your toddler. It’s like banging your head on the wall.

Similar story? Indeed!

If you are thinking about how you can spend quality time with your toddlers then you can read my article on How to keep your toddlers busy? 

Sometimes keeping your child busy through distractions and creative plays can really make your life little easier.

However, you should make the most out of this time. It’s the time of your life which you’ll never forget and reminiscence someday.

Therefore, having a toddler doesn’t only mean those troublesome moments. It’s also a joy, laughter, giggles, hugs and kisses that you get every day.

That’s what a life with toddlers actually means. It’s a blend of everything.

Believe me, when they give you a big warm hug and a sloppy kiss at the end of the day, you don’t even recall if you even had a rough day.

They are a small, precious and mysterious gift from the god to every woman to complete her. Motherhood teaches you so much in life that it gives you a whole new perspective to look at the life.

So, enjoy this time because it’s gonna pass very soon. Life with toddlers seems difficult but it’s the most wonderful gift of your life.

Thank you.


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