Why do Toddlers Misbehave?

Many parents believe if they’d follow the guidance set out in the books, internet or by experts, they’d be able to understand why their toddlers misbehave. However, the truth lies beyond that.

It takes a lot of commitment, many failed attempts and believing your own instinct rather than following others suggestion. Their assumptions might not be wrong but it’s not even totally right.

Sometimes believing without a vision might not help as well. Their assumptions are based on the research based on a small group of people rather than mass.

So, if it works for others that doesn’t mean it’ll have to work for you. Therefore, don’t pity yourself thinking your child doesn’t fit into it quite well. They are merely suggestions.

So why do toddlers misbehave?

I am not a child behavioural expert to suggest you why toddlers misbehave. But as a Mother of a toddler, I am pretty much sure when and why they misbehave.

There is always a reason behind toddlers getting distressed and not happy. They tend to misbehave generally when things don’t get their way.

Let me tell you my story. Once I was little early during a busy toddlers class. So, we had to wait outside along with other Moms and their toddlers. She was quite excited to go in and play. But waiting 5 minutes for her was like forever.

She was whining and constantly looking at me to open the door. I told her that we’re going in when the door opens.

Unfortunately, the staffs were signing in by then. So, the door kept opening and closing.

She thought we’re going in as I told her that we’ll go inside when the door opens. When I told her ‘not yet’, she rebelled and cried.

I used many tricks to settle her down. I distracted her with alphabets written on the door, made her greet everybody her age and even sung her favourite nursery rhymes. It only worked for few minutes though.

Since her main objective was to go inside, all my techniques were failing.  Besides that, she didn’t know what else to do. So, she tried everything to get what she wanted.

In a few minutes, my toddler became a misbehaved one.

What are the trigger points that make toddler misbehave?

Toddlers generally misbehave when they are hungry, tired or sleepy. However, there are some trigger points that provokes them to misbehave.

Communication gap: Frustrations builds up if one cannot communicate what’s in their mind. That’s exactly what’s going on toddlers mind too. This leads them to misbehave out of anger.

They cannot explain the situation quite well. Their vocabulary and speech haven’t developed like us.  Their feelings are suppressed by the words.

To break this gap, try teaching them sign language from an early stage of their life. It makes life easier.

To act Independently: Sometimes toddlers like to take charge of the things by themselves. They try to caricature you and your partner by self-feeding, not holding hands while walking and saying ‘no’ to whatever you say which might worry you.

Therefore, when you try to interrupt their independence, they might behave badly.

So, let them be independent once in a while. However, teach them the limit.

Live for the moment attitude: Toddlers lives for the moment. It means when you take something from them, they think it’ll never come back. So, sharing becomes a big deal for them.

They misbehave and burst into tears easily if their toys are taken away. Therefore, let’s teach them not to lose hope of things which are away from them. It’ll come back to them later.

Curious nature: Toddlers are curious by nature. It’s in-built human behaviour which can sometimes lead us to trouble. In case of toddlers, they are learning when they become curious about things.

They might break things, hit their siblings, drop things to examine the after effects. Likewise, let them understand the consequences of hitting, biting and breaking things.

Therefore, as parents, we should understand these small things. It might not be easy but if we’ll be aware of the cause then it might help us in some way to deal with it.

So, from now whenever your toddlers misbehave, put yourself in their shoes and remind yourself about these trigger points.

Thank you.









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