What to pack in your hospital bag?

The big day is around the corner and you might have to rush to the hospital any moment from now. Therefore, it’s important to pack the hospital bag in advance.

It’s recommended that you should start packing your hospital bag from about 36 weeks. Because it prepares you mentally for the new change and brings you closer to your child.

Here I have listed some of the essential things that you might need during your stay in the hospital.

  • your birth plan & hospital notes
  • 1 sleeping gown
  • 1 go to home clothes
  • plastic bags to keep dirty clothes
  • nursing bra
  • hairbrush & hair clips
  • hand cream
  • moisturiser
  • makeup for taking pictures (optional)
  • camera for taking pictures (optional)
  • socks
  • slippers
  • toothbrush and toothpaste
  • mobile phone, charger and earphone
  • snacks and drinks for your partner and yourself
  • anything that helps you to pass the time during your stay such as magazines, books, MP3 player, laptop, etc.

However, most of the hospitals will provide some of the essential things that are needed after the delivery. So, I believe you should not worry about the things like breast pads, maternity pads and disposable maternity underwear.

In case if you need anything extra then you can always ask the nurses or midwives. Even some of the toiletries such as shampoos, soap and even towels are supplied to you. So, check with the hospital before packing your hospital bag.

Let’s see what you might need for the newborn.

  • 3-4 sleeping suit and vests
  • 1 go to home warm clothes
  • warm blanket
  • hat, mittens, socks
  • 4-5 muslin squares
  • baby car seat
  • newborn nappies
  • cotton wools for wipe

These are few important things that you and the newborn might need during your stay in the hospital.

However, as  I said sometimes hospitals have their own set of rules of what you can and cannot bring. So, make sure you knew about it earlier before packing your hospital bag.

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