Miss World 2017: Who deserves the highest salary and why?

You guys must have known by now why I choose to write mainly on this topic if you’ve already watched Miss World 2017. If you haven’t watched it then I will be familiarizing you throughout.

The question answer round is quite challenging on its own. It’s unthinkable how much pressure one might feel during that particular time when all eyes and ears are on you and you have to give a perfect answer.

However, it’s her answer that made me emotional. It must’ve touched every Mothers’ heart.

The question was, “Which Profession deserves the highest salary and why?

Let me explain briefly about what she said. She started her answer by saying how close she is with her Mother and been her biggest inspiration in life. She recognises how much a Mother sacrifices for her child.

And knows there is no other highest-ranking profession than what a Mother does to raise a child. She further says it’s not the money what she only deserves but the highest respect and love.

In a very short speech, she said so much that it touches my heart. She could’ve chosen any profession that is paid the highest salary but she indirectly defends the fact that Mothers are being strayed aside and overlooked for what they do.

I totally agree with her on this matter because Mothers are always undervalued for not being competent enough for this day and age. However, it’s easy to pass comments sitting in the luxury chair of corporate and not considering it from a Mother’s perspective.

It’s Mothers who endure the pain of giving birth physically and emotionally. She quits her job and sacrifices her dream. The struggle continues even after giving up so much.

Her duty towards her children stays forever. It’s not like any other profession where one retires after a certain age. In this case, retirement comes only after she dies.

Carrying out the duty as a Mother definitely won’t help her earn a living from it. And neither she receives any promotion nor rewards for doing better like working people.

A Mother neither expects to receive any material things for doing what she does. There is no need to prove how good she is as a Mother because she knows she is the one.

However, she certainly deserves to earn a love and respect from her close-knit and the society to acknowledge her effort. Being a Mother is not an easy job as it doesn’t come with a manual on how to rear a child. She learns from mistakes and experiences like any other professionals on work.

In conclusion, we as a society need to change a perspective of looking at Mother’s contribution by regarding it as similar to carrying out daily household chores. We need to understand that these two subjects are poles apart from each other.

It may sound a bit harsh to perceive a Mother’s love for her child as a profession. But in this superficial world, the value of Mother should be recognised and brought forward in some way.

The profession of a Mother may not deserve the highest salary in the real world but it is worthy of love, respect, support and acknowledgement from the society.


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