What to expect when Baby grows into Toddler?

Do you remember the days when you were a first time Mother and you don’t know what to expect from your infant? It’s quite scary to think how will you be able to look after such a delicate and fragile being.

However, we all have that maternal attribute inbuilt in us which makes it natural to care the infant even when we are alien to it. Likewise, when an infant grows into a baby and then to a toddler all other things adapt itself to the circumstances of one’s living.

Having said that, there are certain things that I witnessed in my baby when she grew up to become a Toddler. So, being a new Mother, like myself, every parent is keen to know how their toddlers might be like.

So, here are some of the behaviour traits that I’ve experienced with my toddler that might give you some idea about their way of behaving in the near future.

  1. Highly Mobile: The one thing that is quite noticeable at this stage is how mobile your toddler is. They never slow down, always on the go, dancing, moving, climbing & jumping around. It’s important to give them a massage every night before bedtime to strengthen their muscle and bone.
  2. They know what they want: It can be their favourite toy, food, book or anything that they fancy at the moment. They also teach themselves how to convey what they need through some signs or utter some words associating it with the toys.
  3. Tantrums & Melt Downs: You have to prepare yourself for the big meltdowns & tantrums when they didn’t get their way. It might make you stressed & frustrated but you have to learn to handle the situations that work for you. Its the growing process where they learn from their actions and consequences.
  4. Socializing: They might surprise you now and then by singing or humming their favourite nursery rhymes. If you keep talking to them, they might repeat what you say or babble a full sentence as well. So, keep trying.
  5. Quick learner: Let me add another point linking socializing to their vigilant nature too. They learn and train themselves fairly well memorizing and recalling words, places, incidents. So, watch out when you speak in front of your toddler.
  6. Expressive: They let you know how they are feeling through crying, laughing, smiling, hugging & kissing. As their linguistic ability hasn’t quite developed yet, they communicate through their expressive nature.
  7. Increase in Appetite: By now, you should slightly increase the portion size of your toddler. They should be offered varieties of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, breads, dairy that helps them in their growth & development.
  8. Aggression: They shows their aggressive behaviour through hitting, bitting, kicking which is normal at this age according to the experts. However, let them know this kind of behaviour is not acceptable and they should bear consequences for their actions. Read my article on Why do Toddlers Misbehaves to know more about their behaviour.
  9. They understand emotions: They now know when you are happy, angry, sad or crying. It means you can notice their reactions when you are angry or happy with them. They might even say ‘sorry’ when you’re angry and ‘thank you’ when you’re happy.
  10. Needs your company all the time: As they are your first and single child, they might involve you in everything they do. If you are thinking about “Your Time” then it’s quite impossible except when they are asleep.

To know more about how Toddlers behave, read my article on Life with Toddlers means WHAT? and to occupy your toddlers to ease your life, read my article on Keeping Toddlers entertained.

Best of Luck.


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