Healthy Snacks Ideas for Toddlers

It’s very easy to hand your toddlers a bar of chocolate, crisps or biscuits to snack on. But what about the Healthy Snacks?

Healthy snacks are easy to prepare too. It’s tasty, delicious and nutritious. So, what comes to your mind if you have to choose healthy snacks for your toddlers. Fruits and veggies obviously!

However, I’ve put together some of the healthy snacks that are easy to prepare and tasty to eat.

1. Oats Pancake

You heard it right! I usually like to make her oats pancake with banana, blueberries, strawberries because she loves them. With a glass of warm milk, these pancakes taste so better. It’s the healthiest snack you could ever give it to your toddler.

Simply mix oats flour, an egg, a dash of milk, mashed banana, cinnamon powder and blueberries. Place the batter into the pan and flip it for few minutes. Serve them warm.

If you don’t have an oats flour, you can make your own by blending them.

2. Scrambled egg with cheese

It’s quite simple and easy to make. You’ll need 2 eggs and some grated parmesan or cheddar cheese. Beat 2 eggs in a bowl and add some cheese. If you want you can enhance the taste with some Italian mixed herbs or mint. Pour it into a pan and stir it occasionally. Cook half-way and serve it warm.

3. Wholemeal bread with mashed avocado

This is as simple as it sounds. Mash half-a-avocado with a fork and simply butter the bread with mashed avocado. Cut it into bite-size pieces and you are done.

4. Yogurt with fruits

My toddler loves Yogurt with mashed papaya and avocado. You can either mash the fruits or simply chopped it into bite-size pieces and mix it into the Yogurt.

5. Quick Tortilla Pizza

It’s so easy that you want to make it again and again. Simply heat the Tortilla in the pan and spread the pasta/pizza sauce from the top. For the toppings, you can choose whatever veggies your toddler likes. And finally, top it with some mozzarella or cheddar cheese.

Cover it for 7-8 minutes and slice it with a pizza cutter.

6. Boiled Egg

It’s easy and filling at the same time. However, if your toddler doesn’t like boiled eggs on its own, then mashed it with some avocado and spread it on the toast.

7. Fruits

My toddler enjoys peeling clementines; it keeps her interested throughout the whole process of eating. So, she takes her time peeling and then finally enjoys eating it.

She also likes the thought process of slicing the avocado and eating it directly from the spoon. It keeps her entertain throughout.

Some toddlers might not like to eat fruits so, keep the whole process of eating fun.

8. Veggie shakes

If your toddler is more into drinks then you can take a benefit of it by adding few veggies to their favourite milkshakes. In a blender add a cup of milk, half banana and 1 floret of cauliflower and blend until smooth. Try with different veggies until your toddler likes it.

9. Yogurt and fruit Ice lollies

Just add fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, oranges into the Yogurt and set it in the fridge overnight. It’s healthy and delicious snack for the summer that is packed with nutrition.

10. Sweet potato fries

If your toddler is more into fries then sometimes try giving them sweet potato fries. It’s sweet and delicious at the same time. Cut the sweet potatoes into wedges and bake it in the oven until it gets crispy like fries. Its homemade healthy snacks compare to unhealthy fast food chains.


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