Week 2 Challenge: Workout for healthy mind and body

Once you’ve conquered the first step towards the healthy lifestyle change, it’s time to begin another. The week 2 challenge of a healthy lifestyle is to workout for healthy mind and body.

But first, let me briefly discuss some struggles that anyone can face during the course of time.

It’s not quite easy to implement a new habit in your life when you are occupied with something or always on the go. There is always an internal conflict when you undergo any changes in your life. However, it’s only you who can defeat the inner battle that draws you down.

For this, you should devote and assign some time for yourself to rise from those petty excuses and pessimistic thoughts. So, for the next week challenge, you’ve to steal some time from your busy schedule to workout.

It is one of the basic elements that’s required to step-up from the first challenge. Workout plays a major role in sculpting our body and mind towards attaining a good health.

So, this weeks plan is to exercise and sweat yourself hard. Encourage yourself to workout even for 5 minutes a day or just walk briskly few blocks away every day.

Make an effort to workout and drink a glass of water every day when you wake up first thing in the morning. If you are not a morning person, try to work out any time of the day. However, do it regularly.

Once you get the hold of it, you might want to make it your habit. At first, you might be dragging yourself to put on workout gear and move but eventually, when you see the positive changes in your mind and body, you might not want to miss any chance to skip the workout.

I have encouraged myself to workout every morning for about at least 15 minutes and sip water between breaks. This helped me a lot to have a peaceful mind and energy for the rest of the day.

My 2-year-old daughter encourages me to exercise every morning by saying “Mommy exercise” and she even fetches me water bottle between breaks. I even love to see her doing exercise with me with her funny hands and legs lifts.

When I’m done exercising, she says “Mommy exercise all done” that makes me feel proud of myself. I want to be a good role model for her by not skipping and not giving excuses for exercising or any other challenges that come along. She actually motivates me to become healthy and mindful.

Even though losing weight seems to be a long journey, I’m pleased that I’m on the right path towards being healthy. Here I am not looking for a shortcut to fit into my old jeans but to get healthy for life. In the process, however, I’m trying to understand the process of the right balance one needs to have on their body and mind.

You need to be true to your mind to transform your body. This isn’t an easy process, even I struggle from time to time. I will be giving details about this in my next post.

This is why you really need to find the true reasons or motives to walk the path of healthy you. Therefore, make a vow or create some sort of checklist to complete your task and get you through the day. It helps you to stay on the track and commit yourself to live a healthy life.

Best of Luck.

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