Running for Healthy Mind and Body

Have you ever thought about including running as your daily workout routine? How effective is running compared to other normal workouts? Is it beneficial for you?

It’s apparent to have these doubts on your mind when starting any form of exercise. And I won’t deny myself either on the fact that these confusions should be well considered. So, it’s better to consult your doctor before including any vigorous workouts in your daily routine.

However, for beginners, the whole process of running may take a while. Once you get hold of it, gradually you begin to appreciate all the effort you’ve put into it.

So, let me briefly highlight some of the benefits of including running in our daily workout routine.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

It is a form of cardiovascular exercise that prevents us from any forms of heart disease and reduces the chance of dying from it. However, we should consult our doctor if there is a family history of cardiac disease before going ahead with it.

Fights Depression and stress

Running for only a short period of time can help relieve stress and even a depression. So, running or even a good brisk walk to the park can boost your frame of mind and prevent you from having pessimistic thoughts.

A sense of Achievement

It is the similar feeling like completing the marathon and at the same time conquering it. Therefore, it can have a great impact on our brain which encourages us to achieve our goal.

Visual effect

Running outdoors not only keeps our lungs healthy but also our mind. It feeds positive energy into our brain. As a result, it directly influences our actions in an optimistic way.

Weight loss

It is a form of cardio exercise which if done properly, would help us to lose weight. However, include some high-intensity training, sprinting or even jump rope to burn more calories. It’s also important to include a healthy diet and avoid junk foods.


If you make a habit of running, whatever size you are, you tend to get flexible and light on your feet. Your muscle starts to get stronger and the skin tighter as the months pass by.

Running as a Life-changing Path

As we can see there are tons of health benefits on both our mind and body, I would recommend considering running as a part of our daily life. It is a spiritual practice that uplifts our all senses emotionally and mentally to be a better person.

It is not just a workout but whole life changing process that would give us a chance to look at our life in a whole new perspective. I have experienced myself on this life-changing path and feel how grateful I am for this wonderful life.

If any of you have been thinking about running, then share me your experience as I myself am a beginner on this path. Let’s motivate each other and spread the positive message to everyone.

Thank you





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