How to motivate yourself to run?

It’s quite easy to quit halfway and make an excuse not to go out for a run. However, do you know that it takes a lot of commitment and courage to step out of your comfort zone and actually do something?

People might influence you for some period of time until they are there to guide you. Then what after that? So, it’s important to understand that the trigger is you yourself. The core of the motivation basically comes from within.

However, having said that, there may be times when the circumstances around you might not work on your favour. It can relate to your health, life, money, death, anything that holds you back.

So, what do you need to know about running to make it your habit? I have already talked about the benefits of running on my previous article “Running for Healthy Mind and Body”

In this article, I will be focusing more on your own inner voice that is willing to make a substantial change in your life.

Listen to your mind and body

Have you been experiencing any physical and mental change for some time? Is it a good change? Ask yourself this question. If you have a positive outlook on it then why not hold on to it.

After all, it’s all about the way you think. So, listen to your heart and visualize the positive change in yourself. It pushes you to begin your journey on a positive note.

Keep track of your Running 

The visual stimulation goes hand in hand with the mental stimulation. It works better when you see how much progress you have been making throughout the week. It inspires you to recognize your growth and helps to accomplish your target.

Simply insert any running tracking mobile application that you prefer from your device and begin your wonderful voyage.

Listen to Music

Yes, a Music! It is said that listening to music when working out stimulates your brain to perform a task more productively. So, whenever you go out for a run, listen to the music that sparks your mood.

So, try to compile a music track a day before your run. It keeps that excitement alive in you to go out for the run the next day.

Take a picture of yourself

It’s also one of the visual stimulation that contributes to uplift you on this journey. The impact of seeing yourself from where you used to be will definitely create a whole new perspective towards life.

Measuring weight

If you keep measuring your weight now and then, let’s say, once in a month, it keeps inspiring you to run. It keeps you on a track to stick to it for the long run.

Know your main Motive

Every people have some motive when they decide to make some change in their life. It can relate to some health issues such as obesity, depression, chronic illness or simply to maintain overall health and well-being.

So, it’s very important to remind yourself every day what you need to change in your life. It plays a very important role to adhere to what you want to accomplish.

Hence, there are many ways to drive yourself from within through some mental and visual stimulation. So, do not prevent yourself from making the right choice and to walk on that path.

Running is indeed, a great workout for your mind and body. So, keep the spirit up and always see the bright side even some days are cloudy. The outcome of your hard work will be paid eventually.

Good Luck.






















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