Working Moms VS Stay-at-home Moms

All over the internet, we can read all the fuss about Working moms vs stay-at-home moms. Whereas the truth is there has never been any difference in them. Only ranting and judging people on social medias don’t define any individual. Therefore, forming a strong false statement on an individual doesn’t define anybody and anything they do.

Every mother’s parenting style differs from one another based on various reason. It can be their religion, past experiences, background, etc. Some mothers are fortunate enough to raise their kids and also work side by side with no major problems. However, some mothers are not that fortunate enough but have to become breadwinners of the family. They both are working moms but judging based on only the fortunate ones is rather indefensible to others working moms.

Stay-at-home moms are judged even more in the society than any other. Not only social sites are active in it but also the society and even the close family members are. Stay-at-home moms are working moms too, the only difference is that they are not earning money for what they do. Society discriminates stay-at-home moms and counts them as a minority in the community.

Indeed, the bitter truth of the society is that everybody judges everybody. And especially when it comes to the mothers, whether she is a working mom or stay-at-home mom, they are being judged everywhere. However, mothers know exactly what is right for their child and need no opinion of others in this matter at all. And as I discussed above, the term working moms and stay-at-home moms are so absurd and incomplete in itself that comparing these doesn’t justify any of them. Therefore, there is no truth in such term as “working moms vs stay-at-home moms”.

If a woman chooses to work or stay-at-home to take care of her baby that’s solely her choice. It should not differentiate her from her capabilities and her strength. So, life is not a race of super moms where working moms vs stay-at-home moms have to prove how great she is through her work or her sacrifices. There is no such term as working moms VS stay-at-home moms, every mom is a mom indeed.

Read my article on “What would you do this Mother’s Day” to celebrate all moms around the globe whether it’s working moms or stay-at-home moms and acknowledge the value and importance of both in our lives.

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