Fish Chowder for Toddlers

I once tried this recipe with salmon and my daughter loved it so much that now I’ve decided to make this recipe again using Cod fish. The good news is that she loved it even more so, I’m going to share my version of this recipe to you guys. By the way, you can use any fish of your choice as this recipe is going to be delicious anyway. So, here are the magical ingredients:

  • 1 fillet of cod-fish (or any fish of your choice)
  • 1 medium size onion
  • 1 cup of chopped swede
  • 1 cup of chopped carrot
  • 1 cup of chopped potato
  • 1/2 cup of rice
  • 4 cups of milk
  • 1 tbsp of plain flour
  • 2 tbsp of butter
  • 1 tbsp of mixed herbs
  • 1 tsp of black pepper
  • 1 clove of Garlic

Preparation time: 15 minutes, Cooking time: 45 minutes

So, to begin with, prepare the white sauce by melting a butter in a sauce pan, once the butter starts to melt, stir in the flour for 1 minute then stir in the milk gradually keeping the heat at medium. Add chopped garlic and stir occasionally so that the sauce won’t stick to the pan. Once the sauce starts to thicken up add all the vegetables i.e. onion, swede, carrot and potato along with the rice. Then chop the cod to small pieces and add them to the sauce as well.If the sauce gets too thick, you can add some water too.

After that, place the lid and cook it for about 45-50 minutes until the vegetables gets tender and rice well done. Add mixed herbs and black pepper at the end and mix everything together. Here you might be wondering why I’ve not included salt? It’s because my Health visitor has recommended to avoid salt and sugar to her diet until she is 2 years old and anyway the chowder taste even better without salt in it. If you prefer you can add salt or even some parmesan cheese to it.

As this meal was for my 15 months old daughter, I blend it lightly so that she could chew and swallow easily. So, there you go, the fish chowder is ready to be served to your little one. This is my version, you can even try adding other vegetable of your choice such as sweet corn, sweet potato, bell peppers, celery etc. I always use from a scratch, like whatever is available in the kitchen, so you choose yours and try making it.

Try this recipe and tell me if your little one loved it or not.

♥ Thank you ♥

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