Weaning Toddlers off Breast milk

When is the right time to wean your child off of the breast? There is no right answer to this. However, weaning toddlers is not as easy as weaning small babies. It takes a lot of time and effort indeed.

There will be some phase in your life where you might have to bring this beautiful journey to an end. It can be anything such as when you are on a medication, planning for another baby, or starting a work.

When your child grows from a baby to a toddler, the whole process of weaning might be different. It’s because they can communicate quite well with you than any other times. So, it might make the process slightly demanding.

Weaning process

Extending breastfeeding is one of the best decisions one can ever make to their child. It can benefit you and your child in so many ways at the same time.  Read here the benefit of extending breastfeeding.

However, every good journey has to end on a good note. So, let’s talk about how to wean your toddler? The answer can vary for every child because every child is different. Some may take only a few days while others might take a month or so.

The general idea here is to carry out the process gradually and naturally. It can be done once your child reaches a year old because this is the time when they can have an unpasteurized milk other than breast milk.

Try mixing the normal milk in their morning cereal or sometimes make them smoothies. This way it makes them familiar with the taste of it other than your milk.

Once they start taking the normal milk, you can limit breastfeeding gradually. You can start limiting the feed to only once or twice a day. This way your milk supply will also slow down naturally.

Sometimes you can even miss a feed and offer your toddler a warm cow’s milk. If your toddlers refuse to drink then you can enhance the taste by adding a bit of raw honey and a pinch of salt in it. It makes the taste bit like breastmilk.

If your toddler feeds before they fall asleep or take a nap then it might be difficult to wean. However, if you substitute the comfort feeding with something else such as massaging their feet with your warm hands, patting them gently and humming creating a comfortable environment then it might create the same comfort to them.

Some toddlers might ask for milk in their own way. This is when you have to be consistent in your behaviour by saying ‘no’. Sometimes its Mothers who are more sensitive when it comes to weaning toddlers. You have to understand that the bond between you and your child is not going to end because of this.

Once you are consistent with the process, your child will adapt to the situation within a few days. You just have to make sure to offer them a normal milk according to their age.

  • For 1 year old: 8 to 12 ounces (1 to 1/2 cups)
  • By age 2: 16 ounces (2 cups)

For more information and advice, you can always ask your health visitor or GP on how to wean your toddler right way. The journey of weaning toddlers might be difficult emotionally for you and your baby so it’s alright to take it slowly. You can extend breastfeeding as long as you want until your toddler wants to end themselves.

Good Luck.





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