Month: October 2017

How does the Labour pain in pregnancy feel like?

Many women who’re gonna be a first-time Mothers may be unaware of the real labour pain. They are often confused with Braxton Hicks contractions. This contraction might feel like a labour pain but it’s the contraction of the uterus simply getting ready for the actual labour. So how does the actual...

What to pack in your hospital bag?

The big day is around the corner and you might have to rush to the hospital any moment from now. Therefore, it’s important to pack the hospital bag in advance. It’s recommended that you should start packing your hospital bag from about 36 weeks. Because it prepares you mentally...

What to and not to eat during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women tend to crave specific food. These foods might or might not be good for her and her unborn baby. The cravings are natural but it’s wiser if you’re aware what to and not to eat during pregnancy. What to eat during pregnancy? Greens: They are fibre rich...