Things to know before Potty Training your child
Potty training is one of the most important milestones of your child and probably yours too in a journey towards Motherhood. This milestone is, however, every parent’s major stepping stone that on completion generates absolutely a huge relief.
To begin with, Potty training is not only your biggest task that you need to tick the box from the list but your child’s as well. So, I consider every parent should take it slow until your child will understand the whole system quite well.
It definitely makes the whole process of potty training to flow rather smoothly than chaotic.
Here are some of the things that I believe that every parent needs to consider before Potty training their child:
They’ll begin to feel conscious about pooping and peeing in their nappies when they are at some stage. They would become aware of the people around them and would rather find the corners.
Therefore, take an advantage of the situation by letting them know what is going on with their body. And tell them it’s alright if they are feeling uncomfortable and give them a space to understand it.
Shows Interest
When they began to show some interest when you go to the toilet and asks what is it and what are you doing, explain the situation in their language.
You can even show them through a play by giving them the responsibility to take the teddy to the potty. This way they will learn to role-play the character of Mother to put the teddy to the potty.
This helps them to understand the method in depth and prepare them for their own potty.
Dry Nappies
If you feel your child has dry nappies for more than hours, then probably it’s a green light. My toddler used to have almost dry nappies following her nap time and trust me, that motivated me to go a little further.
It somewhat means they can now control their wee and doesn’t feel pleasant to wet their nappies.
Squat position
You might not notice at the early stage of potty training, however, keep an eye on your child when they began to squat. It is obviously the position of going to the potty. And they would do it frequently whenever they need to wee or poo.
However, let them know every time what is happening and encourage them to sit in the potty.
Expresses themselves
Some children under 2 years old can communicate well enough to let their parents know about their wees and poos. They have their own unique way to express themselves.
So, watch out for those signs and give it a name that your child can utter; something like “oh! so you need to go to pee pee or poo”. So, next time when they find themselves in the similar situation, they’ll know what to say.
Uneasy feeling afterwards
Most children who are not ready to be potty trained wouldn’t care about their dirty nappies. On the other hand, children who are ready would feel uneasy in their dirty nappies and insist their parents to take the nappy off for them.
These are a few signs that every parent should observe before starting to potty train their child. It’s because it makes the whole process of potty training quite easier.
If you start potty training your child without observing these particular signs then, believe me, things are gonna get quite hectic that will make you and your child frustrated.
And always remember to be consistent. When you are consistent, your child won’t get confused and will learn the process sooner than you’ve ever realized.
Good Luck.
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